Sunday, September 30, 2007

Pro-Choice Democrats

Pro in this case means for, supporting. I defy you to name one area of debate with the exception of abortion where the Democrats and liberals are actually pro-choice.

Take health care. If Hilary gets her way we will have no choice.

Take taxes. If a Democrat wins, tax cuts will be repealed. You no longer choose how to spend your money.

Take education. Since the Democrats are in bed with the NEA, school choice is going to be out, not to mention a potential for school vouchers.

How about the gay agenda? Will I be able to choose when my child learns that some people are gay? That it is wrong? Or will "Heather has two mommies" be the textbook for the next generation?

How about immigration? Will Americans get to decide who comes here? Will amnesty be the rule of the day?

I am pro-life. I am pro-choice. Let me choose how to live, spend, educate.

1 comment:

Undergroundpewster said...

This reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw in Alaska. It said something like "I am Pro-Life, I hunt it, I fish it, and I eat it."